Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Day

Again, I’m so tired, so I’ll just share with you what I did today.

I got up at 5:40 this morning. I was able to sleep in some because we didn’t vanpool today.

Kevin drove us to work, and we made it in a little late (7:07 a.m.).

During my lunch break, I walked 2.5 miles.

Kevin & I both left Fort McPherson at 4:30 p.m. and made it home around 5:30 p.m. or so.

Came home, and then I took Megan out to practice on her driving. Geez….it brought back memories of when I learned to drive a stick shift. (Uhhhh…)

After the driving and my near heart attack experience, we went to McDonalds for a treat.

Got Chinese for Megan (She’s not too crazy about McDonalds, but Nicole & I LOVE it.).

Came home, and now I’m ready for bed.

I’m happy tonight because I don’t have to work tomorrow. 

I need some sleep. Good night, all.


  1. goodnight. your day started when mine did, and i got McDonalds and Chinese for different kids too today. :D and i am also VERY tired. i fell asleep on the couch earlier. hope we both get the rest we need tonight.

  2. Remember taking me to practice driving a stick shift at the cemetery?

  3. 5:40 is sleeping in a little!! Whoa
