Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blueberry Pickin'

Not too far from where we live, there is a place where we can purchase fresh fruits & vegetables. There is an "unmanned" vegetable stand where you simply select your fruits/veggies, pay for them (using the honor system), and leave.

Not all of the fruits are sitting on the table. Today, Megan & I went blueberry picking. We enjoyed going thought the blueberry bushes picking out the berries we wanted. There was a little problem, I must admit. I think I ate more berries than I put in the container. Those little berries are delicious.

Because it was so hot outside, Nicole waited in the car. Of course, I kept the car running so that she could stay cool. Yes, we did share the blueberries with her later. (Funny how Nicole is allergic to many fresh fruits/vegetables, but she doesn't have a problem with fresh blueberries.)

Megan, the blueberry pickin' chick.

I just love the hair. :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Kevin Leaves

With a really heavy heart, I took Kevin to the airport on my way to work today. I felt so empty as I left the airport because I won't see him until 6 Aug. :( I pray that God protects & takes care of my best friend.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

No Surgery for Me - Keeping My Bunions

I decided to keep my bunions for now & chickened out of having the surgery. Kevin has been TDY (Temporary Duty Station -traveling for his work) & has other trips planned, so I think it would be best to wait a while longer. From what I hear, the recooperation takes a while, and I will not to be able to do a lot of things for myself. Someone in the house will need to be able to drive. I'll need his help & besides, I don't want to be "out of it" on the girls' first day of school. I want to be able hear about their first day of school.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day Celebration - Ft. Benning, GA

We celebrated the 4th of July at Fort Benning, GA. There was a huge celebration, which was a lot of fun. There were lots of games, yummy food, beer, loud music, fireworks, and lots of people. We had a blast!

The girls got patriotic tattoos. Kevin & I relaxed outdoors the entire day. Boy, was it a HOT and humid Georgia day!

Megan waiting for the fireworks and tried to keep cool by drinking fluids....
..Still waiting for the darkness to come..

Megan & me.

My big babies.... They both decorated sand bottles & placed their bottles in this little tiny box.

I only downloaded a few pictues today, but maybe I'll add more pics later. It was a wonderful day. Poor Kevin - Even thoug he was tired, he drove all the way home. The girls and I slept the hour & a half it took to get home.