Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1-3 December

OK, so I am really behind on my blogging....sort of.... Well, there's no written rule that says that one has to blog every single day. Since we came back from Texas, I have been busy, downloading all of the pictues you were able to see, (It took FOREVER!!), working, or have just been feeling under the weather.

ANYHOW, I'm going to cheat on my blogging and let me tell you why. Since I got my shot on Monday, 30 November, I have been feeling SO badly. I think something went wrong during my procedure. I experienced such AWFUL back pain all of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Friday, I must say, my back felt so much better. I was actually able to move freely, although I still had some pain. It was such a change from Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Those days, I hurt so badly that I could barely even move. I couldn't get in the car, sit, go to the bathroom without excruciating pain. This back pain was AWFUL, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. THANK God, my back feels so much better, although I still have some pain, but not nearly as much as the previous days. So, after having said all that I have, I feel that I should be able to consolidate three days into one blog.

:) I love you all!!


  1. i'm sorry to hear that. i have had some bad back pain this week too...this hasn't happened to me in a few years, i understand the word excruciating, i used to use it alot! i had spasms yesterday, those hurt! i usually get them when i'm tensed up from pain. ugh. take care, and i hope you get to feeling better.

  2. Hope you feel better soon.....no one deserves to live with pain.

    Take care, enjoy the holidays, and see you around FB!
