Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Change of Responsibility

While we were at Fort Polk, Kevin was invited to attend a Change of Responsibility between two First Sergeants. One was relinquishing responsibility (1SG Stephens) of the 272nd Military Police Company and the other (MSG Gipson) was assuming responsibility as the 1SG.

There was something special about this Change of Responsibility special for Kevin. MSG Gipson was one of Kevin's young soldiers years & years ago; Kevin was his Platoon Sergeant ten years ago.

Below: The Change of Responsibility taking place.

Then, MSG Gipson, is pictured on the left, and 1SG Stephen is on the right.

1SG Stephens giving up the responsibility.
1SG Gipson taking on the responsibility of a First Sergeant.

Done deal!
...and so they march away.

Below: Kevin & 272nd's new First Sergean, 1SG Gipson.

Kevin & me after the Change of Responsibility. I accompanied Kevin, while the girls stayed back & relaxed.

We linked back up with the girls. Below, are Kevin & Nicole.

Kevin & Megan

Megan & me.

The girls & me.


  1. That's really awesome of Kevin to go and support Gipson!

  2. I enjoy seeing the military stories. It's always interesting to us civilians what goes on there. It's like another world. and by the way, you look beautiful in that dress, so classy!
