Above is what the girls gave me for Mothers' Day. I especially loved the cards they made for me because it came from their hearts. :D I am so glad that God gave Kevin & me our Megan & Nicole. Of all the children in the world, He bless us with the very best!! What a joy & blessing they have been in our lives. I am so proud to be their mother.
Above, is what Megan wrote inside of her card. AND, off to the left is part of the gift that she made for me. I'm suppose to plant these, add water, and beautiful flowers will grow. I can't wait to plant these & get my flowers.
Above is Kevin's gift for me. He such a thoughtful and loving man. I am truly fortunate to have him as the father of my children and to share the journey of life with!! What a lucky woman I am! :)
what a fabulous Mother's Day you had!!! sweet husband and kids, you have every reason to be proud of your family.