My first day at FORSCOM's G-4 was quite busy. I came in at 0700 and began my day by in processing, getting computer access, access to calendars, safes, and meeting people, and I tried to settle in some. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. Then, the afternoon just FLEW on by. When it was time to go home, Kevin stopped by to pick me up & told me that there was a sign (TV screen) welcoming me to FORSCOM. We stopped by to see it and took a quick picture. (Although I don't think we are suppose to take pictures in the building.) What a nice welcome touch! I think I will enjoy my new job. :)
Sorry about the blurry picture. I know I look crazy, and yes, KEVIN took the picture. Oh, but I love the idea of working in the same building with Kevin. :D We get to have lunch together & see each other quite often.
yay! a new job...sounds great!