Friday, March 19, 2010

A Lovely Couple

I had a doctor's appointment today, and while I sat in the waiting room, I chatted with a lovely couple, the Coxs. Mr. Cox was there because he had some type of neurological problem, which caused him to fall frequently, so he had to walk with a walker and was there to see if he needed another surgery. Mrs. Cox seemed so loving & caring towards her husband as they sat in the waiting area. Even though they weren't always talking, I could tell that they loved each other dearly. Mrs. Cox & I began to chat, as she was very friendly, and she told me that they live in a nearby town, which is very close to our town. I was so impressed with this cute couple, so I asked them how long they have been married. I was shocked to learn that they have been married for 61 years!!! That's just beautiful!!! I guess Mr. Cox could tell that I was shocked when I said, "61 years!" and he said didn't expect to be married for so long, MUCH LESS live as long. I didn't ask them their age, but I suspect they are 80 or very close to 80 years old. Ahhh...I hope Kevin & I are able to enjoy a long & successful marriage like this couple. They are truly inspirational!

1 comment:

  1. Truely a blessing to be with the person you love for 61 years!
