Kevin is excited today because after all of the rain we have been having, he finally gets a chance to wash his truck. I went outside to hang out with him for a few minutes but had to leave quickly because I happened to look down at my feet and there was an ENTIRE ARMY of ANTS crawling on my feet & they were racing up my legs & warm-up pants. I frightened Kevin when I began to yell at the top of my lungs. He didn't know what was going on, and I was having difficulty trying to get words out of my mouth; all I could do was yell. When he finally realized what was going on, he quickly grabbed the water hose to wash them off of me, but the water hose was not on. In desperation, I submerged my feet into the water Kevin was using to wash the truck, as to get the ants off of me. That worked for the ants on my feet but NOT for the vicious ants on my legs & warm-up pants. Sill, I was hooping & hollering and began to rip off my warm-up pants in our driveway. So that the neighbors wouldn’t see me, Kevin quickly led me inside the house where I was able get the ants completely off of me. Those ants meant business!!
oh my
Ack! That's crazy! I'm so glad he was there to help you anyway! Wayne would have just watched me and possibly laughed. HA. Hope you are ok.