Sunday, January 31, 2010


This morning to woke up to find these beautiful roses that Kevin bought for me for our 19th wedding anniversary.

I must admit that when I found out that my first duty station was going to be Fort Belvoir, Virginia, I was not excited at all. I asked, "Why Fort Belvoir, Virginia?" The only answer I received was that that is where the Army needed me to be. I wanted to go somewhere else like Fort Hood, Texas or even Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio. Little did I know that God had a plan for Kevin & me to meet there. I am so glad that God sent both Kevin and me to Fort Belvoir, Virginia during the same time frame.
Nineteen years ago today, when I was 19 & Kevin was 24, we got married. I cannot image my life without this wonderful man. He's thoughtful, caring, loving, patient, and my best friend. So, tonight, on our anniversary, I especially thank God for bringing Kevin into my life. I honestly believe that Kevin was made just for me and that I was made just for him. God is GRAND!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Saturday night, I found this little girl doing homework on her bed. I'm so glad I don't have to get on to my girls about doing their homework. :D

Friday, January 29, 2010

Kitchen Cleaner

What a helpful child I have! Tonight, Megan decided to clean the kitchen & refrigerator without us even asking her to do it. What a nice surprise!

She even threw out the trash. Thank you, Megan Michelle!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lunch at the Bowling Alley

For lunch, Kevin & I walked to the bowling alley (here on post) for a quick lunch. I was a nice break for me to pull myself away from work & see my sweet baby. He makes me smile.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Looking for a Red Dress

Mom's 80th b-day is coming up soon...really soon, and I still haven't found a red dress to wear. (All of my sisters will have matching red dresses execpt for me.) HELP!! We went to the mall on Sunday in search of a red dress but came home without a suitable red dress. Hmmm....I can't seem to find a dress I like & one that doesn't make me look like a hoochie mama. I guess I'll have to keep looking.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Just Pics..

So, I have been super busy & therefore get super tired lately with work & family. Here are a few pics. Above & below: Megan's Cross Country Sports Banquet.

Below: Megan & two other 10th graders.

Megan headed to her seat.

Nicole & I were enjoying some of the food.

Nicole & Kevin

Below: The cross country girls at their table.

Kevin & me


Below are a few pics of Nicole & me. Megan, of course, didn't want to take any pictures. :( So, Nicole & I took a few. It was such a beautiful day, and the temperature actually rose to about 65!!

Below: Another day at home....Nicole was hanging out with Kevin in the living room.

My pretties wanting to go to the mall on a Friday evening.

Since the girls wanted to go to the mall, we dropped them off & then Kevin & I had dinner together....alone. Of course, the girls weren't too far away. They too went to Five Guys in the mall & had burgers.

Oh,....Kevin & I were just hanging out at home on a Saturday....just relaxing. Sometimes I think we are boring people, but I do enjoy being home with my family.

Being silly & taking pictures of ourselves on the couch. I guess we should act our ages!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Oprah Show - A Family Stripped Down

Last night, we watched a recoded episode of Oprah, which was quite interesting. Oprah showcased a family that was stripped down (for 7 days) of their phones, no computers, no TV. Their distractions were taken away so that they could focus on their family. WOW...we would like to try this so that we can savor our family more. I don't think we will get rid of all of our electronics, but we do plan to limit their use and designate "no cell phone/no text" and "no computer" times in the evening.

Tomorrow night, we plan to cook dinner as a family, clean up as a family, and then maybe play some type of board game before we pray a rosary as a family.

Ya'll, I just love Oprah. I am really going to miss her show when she retires.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Megan's 16th Birthday

My baby is now 16 years old. :( She has grown up way too quickly.

cake, of course....

blowing out the candles....

My baby & me. I can't believe that 16 years ago, I first met this little lady. I have really enjoyed being Megan's mommy. She has brightened up my world in a way that I just cannot explain and has brought so much joy into my life.

Where have the years gone?...

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Tonight I enjoyed playing Taboo with the girls & Yazmin, Megan's BFF.

Nicole & I were a team, while Megan & Yazmin paired up. HA! Who do you think WON?.....

Yep! Nicole and I were the camps!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day

This is what I saw when I looked out the door this morning. Can you believe that because of this snow, the girls didn't have school, and Fort McPherson was closed?

We made the best of this snow day and stayed in our PJ's all day. I wanted something warm for our tummies, so I cooked taco soup. The kids made cookies, and Megan's friend came over & we played Taboo. Even though there was not enough snow to play with or make a snowman, it was a very nice day for us. The was one problem, however, Kevin wasn't off. :(

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow in the Atlanta Area

So there was a lot of talk about the expected snow today. We are expecting 1/2 of snow in the Atlanta area. Here's what came down about 9:30 p.m.

I wonder just how much snow we will get....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back to School

Today was the girls' first day back to school, and with the new year came a new semester for them along with new classes. I'm so excited for the girls! Here's what they are taking:

Megan is taking Advanced Chemistry, Health, Advanced Biology, and Advanced Math.

Nicole is taking Advanced Literature, Spanish II, Advanced Math, and Journalism.

WOW! I can tell that we are going to be very busy. I must say though, I am so very proud of my girls. Not only are they good girls, but they are studious, and I never have to get on to them about doing their homework. Oh, and did I mention that they are straight A students? :) OK, I'll stop now 'cause it sounds like I'm bragging about them, but I will continue to pray for God's continual blessings.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So Thoughtful

Isn't it just nice when you get unexpected mail? Today, this box was outside our door. What a nice surprise from my thoughtful sister, Delia, and her daughter Lupita!! Thank you both so much.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Ahhh...the day would not be complete without a trip to Walmart. Today, Megan let Nicole take a picture of us together at Wallie Word. OK, so we don't come to this store EVERY SINGLE day, but we come pretty close. We love our Walmarts!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Nicole

My Nicole, pictured above, was sitting on the floor keeping me company while I was Facebooking. This child loves being with me, and I love her being with me too. She watches TV with me, keeps me company while I cook, she runs to the store with me, and goes where ever I go. She's a real live doll baby!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


We went to Dillard's today to return a Christmas gift. Here's what I was drawn to.....

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's 2010

Kevin & Nicole waiting for the new year to come....

The new year came, and Nicole & I were watching the TV. We did't watch the ball fall in New York. Instead we watched the peach drop in Atlanta. (I thought that was kind of neat.)

Notice that one person is missing in the picture above. Megan went to a friend's house for New Year's Eve. :( This was our first year, since we have had her, that we brought in the new year without her. :( :(